Announcing JOE Farms
TLDR; JOE tokens will be mined through farms, starting on July-3.
Launch Farms
We’re excited to share with you all our launch farms, which will be the primary distribution for the JOE token. The farms will begin JOE token emission on July-3 10am EST / 2pm UTC (join our Telegram and Discord channels for live updates).

Here’s the list of farms by category, in alphabetical order. Can you guess which ones are the Double Reward Farms?
Community Farms
Base Farms
Protocol Farms
Friendly reminder: There are no JOE token pre-sales, private sales or direct public sales. All public distribution will be to liquidity providers through our farms.
How did we decide the Farms?
Our vision for Trader Joe is to be the one-stop destination for trading Avalanche tokens. We designed our farms to solve for two objectives:
- Enable our users to trade Avalanche project tokens
- Enable our users to trade with minimal slippage.
Our Community Farms will incentivize liquidity of Avalanche project tokens while our Base Farms will attract general liquidity of major tokens and stablecoins.
How will Farms be managed?
In the 1st month of launch, the team will optimize our farm strategy to ensure good token distribution and liquidity capture. Going forward, we envision farm management to be driven by community governance. We’ll share more on governance in the days to come.
- New farms may be added
- Farm reward rates may be adjusted at end of every month
What’s next?
We hope that liquidity providers come for the farms, and stay for the community. Join us in our Telegram and Discord channels for more updates!